Reliable web host is a very crucial aspect of your online business success. Having a low quality web server means that your website going to go down many times during the day, and that will cause profit reduction. No one afford to lose money because of a web server problem. In addition, search engines may not drive traffic to your website if the search engines crawlers find that your website is not available. These search engines do not want to send traffic to websites that are not up, they care about their users satisfaction.
When you choose a web host, you should consider many factors before you decide to buy a web hosting plan. These factors include monthly price, uptime, supported web frameworks (php, perl, ruby on rails, etc), supported databases, and customer service availability (24/7 or not). Certainly, everyone would pay less for hosting, and at the same time, a high quality service is needed. Web host quality is really hard to determine since most web hosts claim that they have 99.99% availability. Once you try the web host, you may find 98% availability and sometimes lower than that. As such, the experience is needed to judge on a web host quality.
After reading many online web hosting reviews, and doing intensive online research about web hosting companies, we found a great web host that we can recommend. This web host is Dreamhost. They offer very affordable plans with unlimited disk space, and bandwidth. What people liked in Dreamhost is their coupons, they offer coupons that gives up to $97 discount on yearly plan. For example, If you use the coupon "ARTICLEMAX", you will get entire year of Dreamhost hosting and one domain registration for $22, this is like $1.8 per month! Domain registration alone costs $8, so you are paying $14 for entire year of Dreamhost shared web hosting plan.
Dreamhost has very nice customer service. They always help me in setting up word-press, and other software. They also reply to my questions very fast. In addition, they offer you the choice to have phone calls with their customer service operators if you really need urgent help, but this is paid and expensive service.
They have great WEB 2.0 control panel that make all your website needs easy. Their control panel allows you to do all DNS work in very easy way. If you ever tried to do DNS related work for your domain using the command line, you would know how hard and painful it is. Their control panel allows you to install any open source product like word-press, Joomla, etc in one click only! You can also can manage your databases, version control systems, domain registration, domain transfer, feedback and support. It is quite nice to be able to do all this work from the same control panel. Many web hosting reviews websites reported that Dreamhost control panel is way better than cpanel.
Finally, Dreamhost is really a Dream web host for most organizations and web masters. As such, trying Dreamhost is a smart idea, specially when you use their coupon to get entire year web hosting for $22 only.